The Issue Briefs listed below are taken directly from the 2019 Menus of Change Annual Report so they are easier for you to study and share. These briefs synthesize the latest health and environmental data to provide a clear picture of the industry’s challenges and opportunities, as well as practical next steps for foodservice operations.
The report also assigns each issue a score that rates the industry’s efforts in these critical areas. The key for the scores is in the sidebar at right.
The scores were developed based on the expert opinions of the Menus of Change Scientific and Technical Advisory Council, who considered new research findings and trend data as well as innovations and change in business practices and policies, and were reviewed by members of the Menus of Change Sustainable Business Leadership Council to ensure they reflected new industry initiatives and practices.
The copyright for all Issue Briefs is the following:
© 2019 The Culinary Institute of America and President and Fellows of Harvard College