
Michael Hamm

Professor of Sustainable Agriculture and Senior Fellow of the Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University

Michael Hamm is professor of sustainable agriculture and senior fellow of the Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University (MSU). He has a BA in biology from Northwestern University, a PhD in human nutrition from the University ofMinnesota, and was a NIH post-doctoral fellow at Columbia University’s Institute of Human Nutrition. Mike currently is affiliated with the departments of community sustainability; plant, soil and microbial sciences; and food science and human nutrition. Prior to moving to MSU he was dean of academic and student programs for Cook College, Rutgers University and spent 19 years on the faculty in nutritional sciences. He was co-founder and director of the New Jersey Urban Ecology Program and founding director of the Cook Student Organic Farm. At MSU he was founding director of the Center for Regional Food Systems and is now its senior fellow. Mike’s primary research area encompasses regional and sustainable food systems with a special interest in city region food systems—both domestic and international. Mike was a consultant on sustainability to the recent U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. (East Lansing, MI)