
Taylor Reid, PhD

Professor, Applied Food Studies, The Culinary Institute of America (CIA); Hyde Park, NY

Taylor Reid is a Professor of Applied Food Studies at the Culinary Institute of America. He teaches courses in Sustainable Agriculture, Farm to Table, and Food Systems Sustainability. His recent research interests include exploring the challenges and opportunities for institutional purchasing of local food, understanding the restaurant industry’s response to the climate crisis, chef’s experiences in the COVID-19 pandemic, and depictions of farming, foraging, and food insecurity in the zombie genre. He has a broad academic and professional background in areas ranging from agricultural product development to national farm policy, organic farming systems, beginning farmer education, and the creation of agricultural standards. Dr. Reid holds a B.S. Degree in Plant and Soil Science from the University of Massachusetts, and both an M.S. in Botany and Plant Pathology and a Ph.D. in Community, Food, and Agriculture (CARRS) from Michigan State University. (Hyde Park, NY)